St. Mary's Home

I love everything about St Mary’s. I do everything I want to do. I have a lot of friends in St Mary’s. I love to stay on the second floor. I have been here forty-three years. I love the staff. I love the big garden.
— Deidre Egan

St. Mary’s Home consists of seven living areas or flats, which together accommodate 40 people with learning disabilities, together with two rooms designated for short breaks. Each flat has its own kitchen, dining and bathroom facilities and a living room. Flats are equipped with various specialised equipment to ensure that we may meet everyone’s needs.

The people we support are of various ages, and at various stages of increasing or maintaining their independence. We encourage people to be as independent as possible, and to be part of the wider community outside of the home. Those people we support who are able to access the community independently will do so and will go out autonomously. Those people who need support to access the outside community are helped and supported with these living skills. Some people we support are in paid employment and others that attend colleges and clubs of their choice.

Some people need support with many more aspects of their lives. We support people with complex needs and various healthcare conditions. For example, some people have physical disabilities, sensory impairments, and conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes, or dysphagia. We are committed to continuing to support people as they age; it is rare for someone to have to leave their long-term home as a result of the ageing process. Staff are fully trained in procedures which are required to support people, for example administering prescribed epilepsy recovery medication, or PEG feeding.

We provide a holistic approach to support people to live a happy and fulfilling life, in a
welcoming and comfortable environment. We endeavour to help people achieve whatever wishes and aspirations they may have, with the support and encouragement from a dedicated staff team. Happiness and wellbeing are paramount. We treat everyone as an individual, and aim to provide person centred care and support. People are encouraged to participate to the fullest extent possible in the running and enjoyment of their home. This includes planning and preparing meals, and leisure activities.

People are supported to go on holidays of their own choosing. They are encouraged to maintain outside relationships, for example with family and friends, and are helped and supported with this on all levels. Likewise, people’s family and friends are welcome to visit
them anytime they wish.

There are regular flat meetings, where the people living in a flat can meet together and with their staff support team. People can therefore let us know what they are happy with, but also if there is anything they are unhappy with or any changes they would like. In keeping with the ethos of the Frances Taylor Foundation, staff also have regular individual key working sessions with the people they support, which is another opportunity to discuss how they have been and any issues they may have.

The people who live at St. Mary’s Home are able to access all services which will help them maintain their health and wellbeing and we support them with their medical and other appointments as necessary. We work closely with local social care and healthcare teams, including specialist nurses, GPs, speech and language therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and, when needed, palliative care teams.

The St. Mary’s building also includes a sensory room and day activity centre which is available to people who live at St. Mary’s and some people who attend from outside. The day centre has art, music, beauty therapy, and cooking facilities so that attendees have a variety of activities on offer.

 To get in touch with St. Mary's Home, please call us on 0208 788 6186 or use the form below: