Liverpool Adult Services
“I like it here because I have a lot more independence now, compared with the institutionalised setting where I lived before. I am able to make my own choices and I like how the staff treat me. I love being part of the Musical Belles choir.”
Liverpool Adult Services is a Supported Living service providing community care and support to people with a learning disability, physical disability, autistic tendencies and dementia. We support people to develop and maintain skills so that they may be as independent as possible.
We support about 40 individuals in their own homes – a variety of shared and self-contained housing across the city of Liverpool. Each person is a tenant, whether in a shared property or an individual flat. We offer 24-hour support, which at night might mean a member of staff sleeping in the person’s home, or in certain cases having a waking night worker (with or without a sleep-in person too). The level of support depends upon a needs assessment of each individual.
Staff support people to get out and about, often on a one-to- one basis, taking part in activities in their local community and further afield if they wish. For example, two people we support have taken up walking football which they thoroughly enjoy when the weather is good. Other examples include: keep fit to a salsa rhythm, food taster sessions, literacy and numeracy for economic wellbeing – and many more.
A number of people we support have formed a choir - "Musical Belles and Beaus” – and everyone is welcome to join. The choir practices weekly, and has produced a CD, as well as having sung at public events.
We use person centred approaches to help us support each person in ways which are based on their needs and wishes, to reach their goals and aspirations. We include people we support to take part in staff recruitment programmes, if they so wish, and we support each individual to complete this task to suit their wishes and needs.
Partnership working is a big part of what we do. We work with the lottery-funded
organisation, Healthiness Ltd., who provide popular chair-based and other exercise challenges. We work with People First who attend focus groups on health and wellbeing.
We work in close partnership with John Moores University. Other links include a strong relationship with the Learning Disability Team at the Royal Liverpool Hospital, who have asked us to join their service steering group. Through relationships such as these, we accept student nurses and student social workers on placement, to experience our special brand of person centred social care.
To get in touch with Liverpool Adult Services, please call us on 0151 4869827 or use the form below: