St. Joseph's Home
“I have lived at St. Joseph’s for 19 years. The staff members here are good and they are my friends. There are many things I like about St. Joseph’s: I like going out, having freedom, I like my bedroom and having a television to watch football. I also like that I can go to management as well as the staff if I need anything or if I am worried about something. It is good to have a day centre on site as I like going over there. I enjoy my time with the staff for example having arm wrestles with them (I always win).”
St. Joseph’s Home is passionate about supporting people with profound and multiple learning disabilities who also have complex health care needs.
We offer fantastic facilities in a warm and friendly environment with beautiful, secure grounds to walk around. St, Joseph’s Home has been tastefully decorated throughout and individuals are encouraged and supported to personalise their bedrooms. There are three sensory rooms which are furnished with the latest multi-sensory equipment. St, Joseph’s also has a hydrotherapy pool, the benefits of which include exercising, socialising and releasing energy and tension.
We provide various opportunities for socialising within the home. For instance, we offer regular social clubs for various activities, music therapy, a sensory garden, reminiscence sessions and much more. People are supported in accessing their local and wider community by going to shows and concerts in Liverpool City Centre, as well as our local village for shopping, eating and drinking with their family and friends.
A central principle of the support given by this service is that each person lives a life that makes sense to them and that they are supported in a caring, creative and proactive environment. When we get it right we call this “Making it Happen”. We aim to achieve this by using a holistic approach. We use person centred tools, combined with an approach known as intensive interaction, to facilitate communication for everyone we support.
We train staff members who share our values of dignity and respect for the individual, truly to embed “Making it Happen”. We are doing this because we take responsibility for our practice by challenging ourselves to keep progressing and identifying ways of improving.
Our aim is that St. Joseph's Home becomes a real home where the people we support are loved, cared for, and supported to live a life that is full of happiness, with their needs understood & supported - where people feel safe, secure and valued.
We are a happy staff team who enjoy coming to work. We provide excellent training opportunities that continuously challenge us in terms of pushing boundaries to develop our knowledge and skills, so that we can be the best we can. We are delivering and receiving a quality training programme that helps us all in our job roles and improves the quality of life for the people we care for.
We are fully committed to encouraging personal growth - now and for the future. We place a strong emphasis on listening to you and your family, ensuring that your support plans are centred on your personal needs and aspirations. Our shared values have achieved so much already- by working as a team, we have supported each other, and together we have worked hard to improve people’s lives and our own.
L37 Short Breaks Service
The L37 Short Breaks Service is based in a dedicated part of St. Joseph’s Home.
We strive to ensure that families and their loved ones have a holiday or short break that meets their needs; we are guided by you and what you want from a short break. We make sure that we have met with you before you stay with us and you can visit us before your short break so that you can become familiar with your surroundings as this could be your first time away from home. We will support you and your family to make sure that there is a smooth transition and so we know lots about you before you come and stay with us.
Our motto has become that “People may forget what you said but they'll never forget how you made them feel". We make sure that everyone gets the most out their time with us. Our state-of- the-art facilities and the range of activities available make every day stimulating and, above all, fun. Person centred care planning is central to our way of thinking and working. Our person-centred approach guarantees a structured but flexible service that ensures guests and their families get the best out of a short break with us. Over recent times, we have offered short breaks guests: access to our hydrotherapy pool, theatre and cinema excursions, relaxation sessions (you can pre-book a pamper day), aromatherapy massage, shopping trips to Southport and Liverpool One, activity sessions at Bridge Inn Farm, Intensive Interaction communication workshops, jewellery making workshops, use of the multi-sensory room, and one-to- one support for other requested activities.
To get in touch with St. Joseph's Home, please call us on 0170 4872132 or use the form below: