People We Support

We asked some of the people we support to say a bit about themselves and their lives. The services page  has links to more information about each service offered by the Frances Taylor Foundation. 

Nina Burland, St. Anne's Apartment, Hove

I have lived at St Anne’s since 2014, I have felt very supported at St Anne’s, the staff take me out and away on holiday. It’s so much fun, they look after me. I feel safe around the staff, we have a laugh and fun. They take their job very seriously and they all do a very good job. They have been supportive with me during a tough time, They have always been there, they also help me with my diabetes and my mental health. Since I have been at St Anne’s my confidence has grown I’ve gone back to college and passed all my exams.


Paul Jones, Fernley Resource Centre


I like working with staff and meeting and greeting people who come to us. This increases my independence, helps my social skills and wellbeing. I go to the Speaking Up meetings to talk about things that are happening in Fernley. I like to get involved with the staff, helping and giving ideas for Fernley. The TIME sessions are good, we learn how to get to a place using the internet. We search for maps and train times to the places. In Independent Living Skills sessions we speak about health. We know what a health passport is. We go to People First meetings. I know the right clothes to wear in different weathers.

Susan Worthington, Liverpool Adult Services


I like the way I am treated by staff. I am shown respect and am able to make my own choices in life. This is very important to me, because while living in an institution I was never able to make my own choices. I like the people who share my home, and the staff, and the relationships I have with them. I enjoy participating in events held by the Frances Taylor Foundation, such as sports days and summer fairs. 

Catherine Cleary, St. Raphael's Home


I like it here. I go to coffee morning and I’m in charge. I like doing coffee morning with Sister Eileen. And I like colouring and art with Lizzy. I keep my room tidy and staff help. I get to go to Butlin’s with my friends in summer. Everyone is nice. I watch movies with the staff who sleep in. 

Ali Adams, St. Mary's Home


I have lived here for fifteen years. St Mary’s is a big home. I love the big garden.  I love to visit the chapel when there is service.

I love Roehampton areas especially the shops. Communication is important to me, with the people who live here and the staff. The management are nice to me.

I love the staff taking me out for my one-to-one session.

EARL CARLTON, St. Mary's Home

I love St Mary’s. I love to stay on third floor. I sometimes love to go to the café to have lunch.

The staff and residents are very nice. My key workers are Louisa and DD. I have been here for very long time. I love to go to the day centre to have some activities like colouring, drawing and music. Love looking around the river near Kingston. I love to clean my room and taking the bin out.